How to join


Top Tech Yorkshire is a structured profile-raising, networking and mentoring programme for technology businesses in Yorkshire.

Here's how to become part of it…


Step 1

Complete our online entry form

Click the button to complete our official membership form. Tell us about your business, what area of the market you’re operating in, what your connection to Yorkshire is, and how you hope to benefit from your membership of Top Tech Yorkshire.

You can invest as much time and effort in completing the membership form as you like. The membership forms will be reviewed by our mentor and supporter groups, so if you’d like to be featured in the Top Tech Yorkshire 2025 report (see more below), make sure your submission is one of the most impressive and compelling.

The deadline for submissions is Friday 8th November 2024. Let us know you've entered by tagging us on LinkedIn and using #TopTechYorkshire.

Step 2

Just be patient (but not for long!)

Top Tech Yorkshire 2025 will be launched with a bang in early 2025, with the release of our report in the new year. Once entries have closed, our panel of mentors and supporters will begin to review the membership submissions and identify the top technology companies they feel have put Yorkshire on the map.

In the meantime, member businesses will have access to our mentor network and will be invited to take part in roundtables and networking events (see step 3 below).

Step 3

Join the network

All members of the Top Tech Yorkshire programme will have access to our networking and mentoring events and activities. Members will also benefit from the profile-raising activities with fellow members and from our group of technology sector mentors and supporters. Follow Mills & Reeve on LinkedIn or sign up to our mailing list here to receive emails about upcoming networking opportunities.

For further information or if you have any questions, please contact Charlotte Todd at

Let us know you've entered using #TopTechYorkshire on LinkedIn!

For further information or if you have any questions please contact Charlotte Todd at