Top Tech Yorkshire

Top Tech Yorkshire:

Supporting the tech businesses who are putting Yorkshire on the map


About Top Tech Yorkshire 2025

Top Tech Yorkshire returns for 2025, but this time it’s bigger and better!

Since we last ran the Top Tech Yorkshire programme, we’ve listened to the Yorkshire tech community to develop a broader, more ambitious programme for supporting and connecting tech businesses and those who can help them.

In 2025 the programme will bring together Yorkshire tech businesses and their various supporters, funders, investors, and service providers in a series of profile-raising, networking, mentoring activities and events, all designed to help the Yorkshire tech ecosystem to help itself.

Top Tech Yorkshire will create a community comprising of members and mentors and supporters.

  • Members – a group of ambitious tech businesses looking to raise their profile and tap into the support available from within the broader Yorkshire tech eco-system.

  • Mentors and supporters – a group of established entrepreneurs, advisers and service providers who are committed to helping tech businesses (the “members”).

Our Top Tech Yorkshire programme, made up of networking events and profile-raising initiatives, will provide the platform, opportunity, and encouragement for members to meet the people they need to meet and reach the people they need to reach.

If you’re a Yorkshire tech business looking to develop and grow, and think you might be able to benefit from the experiences, insights, market reach and wider support of your community, become a member of Top Tech Yorkshire 2025 now!


The mentors & supporters

Living and breathing the tech sector...

Our mentors and supporters for the 2025 programme are already signed up and committed to the Top Tech cause. They’re people who live and breathe the technology sector, including investors, funders, lenders, corporate finance advisers, recruiters, marketers and technology sector founders, and entrepreneurs. They’ve been there, done it, and learned a lot along the way.

About us

Helping technology businesses succeed...

Top Tech Yorkshire was conceived and is coordinated by the national law firm, Mills & Reeve LLP.

We have a young and thriving office in the heart of Leeds and a rapidly growing local technology sector practice. This is underpinned and supported by an established national technology sector practice, which has its foundations in supporting the Cambridge technology community.

While our day job is providing legal advice and support to our clients, we believe that we (and other service providers to tech sector businesses) have a broader role to play in connecting people and businesses who can help each other. We also believe that the Yorkshire technology sector has the talent, ambition, and application to continue to do and achieve great things, and that it will do those things more quickly, and better, if we help each other.

Top Tech Yorkshire, supported by our regular Tech Tuesday networking events, is our way of giving some help by providing a platform for others to give theirs.